
Showing posts from April 19, 2024

Work struggle

What is it with IT people, developer to be exact and their communication ways? I've talked and work with so many people with so many different background and Ya Allah kalau nak communicate dgn orang IT lah paling payah sekali. Jenuh lah. I am currently doing a 6-figure project kalau semua simple issue pun susah sangat nak communicate mmg ranap lah project ni. I notice I constantly have the same issues with IT based people. Mesti susah sangat nak communicate and very hard to understand how they process information. Benda simple simple pun depa susah sangat nak faham so Im guessing maybe it's me yang need to learn how to communicate better with them? I know their brain works 10101010 and not like others yang can be 11001010 etc but damnnn Im actually struggling to communicate with them bila ada issue arises. Kadang kadang benda simple pun need few hours nak explain??? FEW HOURS. That is such a waste of time Ya Allah. With that few hours I can utilize it on to so many other stuff